Commercial Property Insurance



Every day, you work hard to ensure that your busi­ness stays up and run­ning. From serv­ing your cus­tomers and offer­ing your prod­ucts and ser­vices to pro­vid­ing your employ­ees with jobs, your busi­ness is abuzz with activ­ity. That’s why it’s impor­tant to make sure your com­mer­cial prop­erty is pro­tected by effec­tive small busi­ness insurance.

Acci­dents do hap­pen and the last thing a business owner wants to expe­ri­ence is being out of com­mis­sion while under the wrong small busi­ness insur­ance policy.

With a cus­tom Prop­erty Insur­ance pol­icy from Insur­ance Town & Coun­try, you can ensure that the build­ing itself and the per­sonal prop­erty of your busi­ness is pro­tected from minor acci­dents or a major finan­cial loss.

Our insur­ance spe­cial­ists can help you cre­ate a pol­icy that keeps your busi­ness insured from top to bot­tom by cov­er­ing such items as:

  • Build­ings, Offices, Stand Alone Facilities
  • Inte­rior Equipment, Desks, Furnishings
  • Out­door Signage
  • Business Equip­ment
  • Inven­tory

commericalprop_000002476605XSmallOther items typ­i­cally covered on a Prop­erty Insur­ance pol­icy include: Builder’s Risk, Small Busi­ness Insur­ance and Equip­ment Break­down. Builder’s Risk pro­tects any mate­ri­als or equip­ment from dam­age or loss sus­tained dur­ing con­struc­tion or remod­el­ing. Equip­ment Break­down insures against boiler and machin­ery damage and covers your business in the event of elec­tri­cal or pres­sur­ized equip­ment breakdown or loss.


In some cases, your busi­ness can save more by com­bin­ing Prop­erty with Lia­bil­ity insurance policies. To find out more about com­bined cov­er­age savings, con­tact an Insur­ance Town & Coun­try Com­mer­cial Prop­erty Spe­cial­ist today.

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