Our Team

Joan Burkett, CIC — Owner

bio-Joan_BurkettSince 1983, Joan has been help­ing her clients under­stand what insur­ance they need what is cov­ered and what is not. Joan has held her Cer­ti­fied Insur­ance Coun­selor des­ig­na­tion since 1989. As a Den­ver native, she attended each of the Den­ver Chris­t­ian Schools and is an alumnus of Col­orado State Uni­ver­sity. The expe­ri­ence she has gained in the busi­ness world uniquely qual­i­fies her to assist agency clients with all of their insur­ance needs. Joan is usu­ally at her desk but can also be found trav­el­ing to Haiti twice a year serving along-side the peo­ple of the Light & Peace Mis­sion in Bon Repos. ~ Email Joan

Jeremy Burkett, CIC — Owner
Zipping Through a Costa Rican Jungle

bio-Jeremy_BurkettJeremy Bur­kett has been pro­vid­ing insur­ance ser­vices in Colorado since 1997. He joined his mother, Joan, at the agency after a short career in the NFL where he played for the NY Giants, Den­ver Bron­cos, and the Barcelona Drag­ons. Jeremy is a life­long out­door adven­turer. He is a Native of Col­orado and a Col­orado State Uni­ver­sity Alumnus. He earned his Cer­ti­fied Insur­ance Coun­selor des­ig­na­tion in 2012 and he is con­tin­u­ally broad­en­ing his insur­ance knowl­edge base. ~ Email Jeremy

Nicole Maxey — CSR


Nicole Maxey is a native of Den­ver, Col­orado. She started her career in insurance in 1999 as a greeter for Titan Auto Insurance. She enjoys help­ing her cus­tomers find solutions to their insurance needs. Nicole is mar­ried and a mother of three. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and of course — shopping!  ~ Email Nicole

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